About Males Artisan Construction

Males Artisan Construction Limited  (Registration No. TMBRS 1012608) was established in Malawi on 21st August, 1995 AND it was incorporated on 29th September,2020.

The company is private company limited by shares and its wholly owned by Malawians. It is duly registered with National Construction Industry Council Of Malawi in the K50 Million category and it is in the process of upgrading to MK200 Million building Category.

Over the years, we have been providing constructin and related services including buliding maintenances to both private sector and Government Departments at large. Among the notable companies/organization/Departments, we have been dealt with are: UNHCR, Aids Healthcare Foundation, Daughters of Wisdom, Medical Missions Sisters, St Marrys Secondary School, St Joseph Hospital (Nguludi), Mayaka Health centre, MSF France (Blantyre), Financial Holdings (FDH Bank Limited), Illovo Sugar Malawi PLC, European union (RIDP), NICO Holdings, Unicef Malawi office (subcontractor), Broll Malawi, Department of Immigration, Ministry of Lands, Housing & Urban Development, State advocate, Malawi Revenue Authority, Blantyre Teachers College, TNM, G4S and several other Government Departments and Ministries.

Our Vision

Serve our clients with excellence.

Our Mission Statement

To remain as a trusted partner to all our clients and potential clients by delivering works and services of the highest standards beyond their expectations but within cost and time schedules: While focusing on technological changes, employee welfare, legal frame work, financial stability, corporate and social responsibility.

Core Values

• We believe that good customer service is the kingpin of most Business success.
• We believe that a satisfied customer becomes part of the sales executive team of most successful businesses.
• We believe in team work for success.
• We believe in establishing business relationships based on doing the right things.
• We believe in Honesty & Integrity.
• We believe in efficiency and effectiveness.
• We believe in Innovativeness.
• We believe in Value creation & Additions to customers’ needs.


Males Artisan Executive Directors/ Shareholders

Thokozani William Dinesi

Managing Director

A holder of a Bachelors Degree in Accounting, Diploma in Accounting and also Certificate in strategic and financial management. 

He have worked as a banker for 6 years and currently working as the Managing Director for the past 8 years at Males artisan Construction Limited.

Leslie Sydney Malikwa

Director of Operations

A holder of  Advanced Diploma in carpentry & Joinery,Advanced Certificate in Construction Management. and Certificate in Project Management

He has over 20 years experience in construction Industry 

Non Executive Directors

Elton William Masibawo

Investment Director

Austin Njera

Communication Specialist

Robert Harry Nthewa

Legal Advisor